Restart 2020

THIS PAGE puts on record some events before (from Sept 29) and during the exhibition (Oct 21-30). Each heading is part of a “toggle” page; click on it to read more :
Oct 30: “Ways of Seeing” with Eric Peris, KF Choy & Alan Ng
To be written
Oct 29: “Telling stories with photos” with David Loh & Jahabar Sadiq
To be written
Oct 26: Reception for 100
To be written
Oct 25: Over 10 pieces of coverage in the media
To be written
Oct 21: D-Day!
Oct 20: Finishing touches
As the place filled up, we needed to add small but essential elements like price tags and QR codes that are part of the navigation system.
Oct 19: Lights make a vast difference
Lights were put up after the paintings went up, to ensure they were positioned right above each painting and shone down at the right angle. When the gallery was lit up, the ambience of the place transformed. It began to look like a professional venue for the display of art.

Oct 18: Paintings go up
Staff from WL Framing arrived punctually at 9.30am and brought along the bigger pieces from their shop. After arranging all the pieces on the floor and finalising the spaces between the paintings, they started to put them up. Paintings placed on concrete walls were suspended using nylon strings and hooks.
Oct 17: Dry walls go up at APW
The drywalls have been installed. They started at 9.30am sharp and finished around 4pm. I am glad. They look good — shaping up like a “real” exhibition hall.

Oct 10: up and running for Restart 2020
Managed to publish all the stories that would be needed for people to scan and find out more about my art at the exhibition. The website was created over a few weeks using the Ghost engine recommended by my son Wan Tsau.
Oct 9: SOPs for invitees
Sent out an “RSVP” today to all my invitees with some SOPs in view of Covid-19. It reads:
Hi [name]
It is less than two weeks to the exhibition. I look forward to seeing you on Oct 26, 6.30-9.30pm, at the private reception in conjunction with my exhibition at APW. Thanks for agreeing to join us!
Also, Covid is still around, with an undercounted 23,000+ active cases as of Oct 5. And we want some vulnerable people and those who care for the unvaccinated to join us at the reception. In view of this, I hope to make the following requests:
(1) Please do a self-test before you come, and
(2) Wear a mask in the exhibition hall, which is expected to be crowded.
Food and drinks will be served outside the hall in an area that is well-ventilated.
Siang Jin
An e-card will be sent to you under the name: [title] [name]
Oct 5-6: Of prints and signatures
I spent the better part of the last few days at the framemaker and signing my prints. The latter I discovered is an art (or craft) in itself. I used pigmented pens for the uncoated paper and it worked well. For the coated paper, the felt markers get clogged by the coating material and ink-flow was interupted. Luckily I did not mess up much. I must remember to ask for such paper distinctions in future. I have also decided to use pencil to sign all coated prints in future — they are afterall of archival quality.
Oct 4: Website refinements
The Ghost web engine, while being very friendly and powerful, has many limitations. For example, I had to refine a few things offline (like replacing its gallery with a collaged image). At about 10.30pm, I finally settled on a design that allows me to portray the subtlety of a well-designed print page with the much-needed in-the-face portrayal of the paintings — especially if you were viewing from a mobile. See here
Sept 30-Oct 2: Social media sharing
Using the two images at the top of this page and a link to this website, I began to post on FaceBook and Instagram to my friends. Very happy with the response. “Hard sell, sorry, haha...” I said at one point and explained: “If not now, when?”
Sept 29: The word's out and off to the framemakers
I collected my printed A4 posters today and sent out a few PDFs to various groups of friends. Also went to the framemakers along Jalan Gasing with my first prints to be framed – three sets of “miniature archival-quality pigmented prints”, MAPPs for short.