

TIRED BY the huge mess my old works had become, I sat down over a few weeks in 2016 with my former colleague, Jason Tan, to sort them out. First, along a few


WAITING for others can be stressful, frustrating and infuriating. This is especially so when we have nothing else to do and do not know the length of the wait. There is, in addition,

Tenacity & hope

IN MID-2023, Khoo Boo Teik, a close friend from school days, asked me if I could design the cover of his book, Anwar Ibrahim: Tenacious in Dissent, Hopeful in Power. It got me

Whimsical why not?

I CONNECT well with whimsical art. It must have manifested from my “other self”, suppressed by a lifetime of serious work and other pressing commitments. True, an innate form of playfulness had been